Health & Safety Policy
1. Introduction
This policy details the local arrangements for managing health & safety at Rotherham Opportunities College. Rotherham Opportunities College is committed to ensuring high standards of health & safety in all activities. The college will comply with all appropriate health & safety legislative requirements.
Rotherham Opportunities College values staff working at the provision and will endeavour to ensure that their health, safety and welfare, and those of students, students on placements, professionals and visitors to the college is protected so far as is reasonably practicable. Students on placements, trainees, agency workers and seconded workers will be afforded the same level of commitment to health & safety as any employee.
The college recognises the economic and social benefits which are derived from the implementation of an effective health & safety management system. In order to derive these benefits the college commits to providing the necessary leadership and resources to implement, maintain and continuously improve the college’s safety management system.
- Management
The Principal
- The principal is responsible for ensuring that:
- Systems are established and maintained to ensure that health & safety is effectively managed;
- Standards are monitored, instructions and codes of practice are understood and put into practice;
- Sufficient resources are allocated to enable health and safety to be successfully managed;
- All visits have robust risk assessments and obtain the necessary approval;
- The Board of Governors are informed of all residential visits in order for information to be considered by the Governing Body;
- This policy is brought to the attention of all staff and they are aware of their responsibilities under it;
- Health and safety information is regularly communicated to staff;
- Accidents are recorded, reported and investigated using the established procedures;
- There are adequate arrangements in place to enable staff to be consulted on matters affecting their health & safety;
- Assessments for all risks to health & safety are carried out and the significant findings recorded, with appropriate preventative measures being taken. In particular the principal will ensure that adequate arrangements have been made to manage potential emergency situations;
- Staff are competent to perform their duties from a health & safety perspective including regularly reviewing the knowledge, training, experience and attitudes necessary for any given role; staff are developed so that they can meet these criteria;
- The provision’s health and safety performance is monitored;
- For ensuring there is a positive health and safety culture within the provision.
A Senior Member of Staff
A senior member of staff is responsible for deputising for the principal in their absence. Key responsibilities of the principal and senior member of staff (i.e. anybody who has responsibility, including overseeing or directing, other staff) are responsible for ensuring this policy, and the arrangements made under it are implemented in their areas of activity. As a general rule the direct responsibility of managers for health and safety is determined by the extent to which they have the authority to take executive action.
General Management Responsibilities
Key general management responsibilities include:
Promoting and developing a positive attitude towards health, safety and welfare throughout the provision;
Ensuring that they are, and remain competent, to undertake their role;
Ensuring that work activities under their control are carried out, so far as is reasonably practicable, safely and without risk to health, and that adequate arrangements are made for welfare;
Ensuring risks are assessed, the significant findings recorded and communicated to staff, and appropriate protective and preventive measures implemented;
Ensuring all accidents, near misses and acts of violence and aggressions are investigated and recorded using the college’s established systems;
Monitoring the implementation of this policy and health, safety and welfare arrangements in their area of work to ensure continuous improvement;
Ensuring that all fire exits are clear from obstruction and unlocked whenever the building is occupied;
Ensuring staff under their control are adequately trained, informed, instructed and supervised;
Making suitable arrangements for consultation with staff;
Ensuring that only contractors who have been assessed for their health and safety competence are appointed to carry out work on the college’s behalf, and that coordination and co-operation with contractors takes place in order that risks to staff, students, contractor staff and others are minimised;
Reporting health and safety issues which they cannot resolve to the principal or the college governing board.
The Health & Safety Coordinator
The health and safety coordinator is the business manager. Some or all of the following duties can be delegated to the health and safety coordinator however the responsibility remains with the principal. The main purpose of this role is to champion and monitor the implementation of the health & safety policy on behalf of the college. The health & safety coordinator is responsible for:
- Establishing central record keeping systems for the provision, for key documents such as risk assessments, safe systems of work and emergency procedures;
- Ensuring drivers of the college minibuses hold a current driving licence, are fit to drive and possess the necessary authorisation;
- Ensuring that the college has adequate insurances for people-carrying vehicles;
- Maintaining a file of all current health and safety advice;
- Ensuring that a fire drill is carried out once per term, with the fire log book completed accurately as soon as the drill has taken place;
- The adoption and distribution of the policy and guidance within the provision. In addition the health and safety coordinator is responsible for carrying out or delegating responsibility to other staff for the following:
- Ensuring that when the hydrotherapy pool is in use staff follow risk assessments provided;
- Ensuring the weekly (during term time) test of the fire alarm system is completed;
- Undertaking the monthly test of the emergency lighting system; •
- Liaising with contractors to ensure that they are aware of relevant procedures, including but not limited to fire, hazard & accident reporting;
- Delivering appropriate health and safety information, instruction and training, including safety procedures to new seconded staff, visiting professionals (e.g. therapists visiting on a weekly basis), students on placements;
- Ensuring that all trips and visits are approved and that there has been a suitable and sufficient risk assessment completed.
All Staff
All staff have a legal duty to take care of their own health and safety and the safety of others affected by their acts and omissions, and to co-operate with the provision to enable it to carry out its responsibilities. Staff must not interfere or misuse anything provided to ensure people’s health and safety. All staff also have a responsibility to report hazards and unsafe practices which they become aware of to the principal (or delegated senior member of staff, in the principal’s absence) or the health and safety coordinator. Staff should take all reasonable steps to make the situation safe (without putting themselves at risk) until it can be dealt with. It is the responsibility of all staff working at Rotherham Opportunities College to comply with this Health & Safety policy and associated arrangements, and to co-operate with the college on its implementation.
Hazard and unsafe acts and omissions are things with the potential to cause harm, such as torn carpets, damaged electrical sockets etc. Unsafe acts and omissions are when people undertake tasks in an unsafe manner regardless of the reasons for their behaviour. All hazards and unsafe acts and omissions must be reported immediately to the principal or health and safety coordinator.
Staff must ensure that they are fully aware of their own health & safety responsibilities, these will be detailed in this document and in local procedures. Staff are reminded that failure to comply with health and safety requirements could lead to disciplinary action.
Staff are expected to:
- Know the emergency procedures in respect of fire and first aid;
- Be aware of, and follow, health and safety guidance;
- Ensure all fire doors are freely accessible;
- Exercise effective supervision of students and ensure that they know of the general emergency procedures in respect of fire and first-aid and the special safety measures of the provision;
- Give clear instructions and warnings as often as necessary;
- Ensure that students’ coats, bags, and other belongings, etc. are safely stowed away;
- Follow safe working procedures personally;
- Ensure protective clothing and special safe working procedures etc. are used when necessary;
- Ensuring that hazardous substances are stored appropriately;
- Ensuring preparation and practical teaching areas are kept tidy;
- Make recommendations on health, safety and welfare matters to the principal.
- New and Expectant Mothers
The college has duties to assess and control the risks to pregnant workers and nursing mothers. In order to be able to fulfil this duty, any staff working at the college need to inform their line manager about their pregnancy at the earliest opportunity. Risk assessments will be reviewed when an employee notifies the principal that they are pregnant and will be revised where necessary. Employees will be informed of any additional risks they may face as a new or expectant mother.
The college recognises that some prospective parents may not wish for information on their pregnancy to become public. The provision will endeavour to fulfil these wishes, but will always put the interests of the health of the member of staff and their unborn child above preventing disclosure.
- Risk Assessments
The college continually assesses the risks relating to its operations. The premises manager, in conjunction with the principal, will implement risk assessments to comply with the Management of H & S at Work Regulations 1999. These risk assessments will ensure the identification, assessment and control of hazards and risk in college sites. Where significant risks are identified necessary control measures will be recorded.
The health & safety coordinator will ensure that a central record of all risk assessments is maintained. Copies of appropriate risk assessments are available to read in hard copy, on the provision network. The health & safety coordinator is responsible for ensuring that staff are aware of and understand the findings of the risk assessments relating to their work. Before new activities are undertaken or when an existing activity is changed the health & safety coordinator will ensure that a new or revised risk assessment is produced. Risk assessments will be reviewed by the principal at least annually.
A risk assessment must be completed for all off-site visits. Regular local visits will be risk assessed using college risk assessment forms.
- Fire Register
The fire registers contain details on the management of the various control measures and is accessible in hard copy.
- Accident and Near Miss Reporting
A near-miss is an incident which could have resulted in injury or loss, if the circumstances were different (for example if a contractor was working on a tower scaffold and dropped a tool, but luckily it did not actually cause any injury or damage). All near miss incidents must be reported.
All accidents must be reported to a senior leader. All injuries to students are recorded on the Child Protection Online Management System (CPOMS) and an accident form completed and returned to the principal. An accident report must be completed for any staff accidents and/or injuries and passed to the principal for review. More serious accidents/injuries to students, staff and visitors are to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive, if appropriate, under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
- First Aid
The principal will implement a first aid policy which complies with the minimum standard as required by the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
The college has assessed its needs in relation to first aid to ensure there is adequate provision at all times when the college is occupied. Supplies for first aid material will be held within college, the locations have been determined by the principal and business manager. Contact details for first aiders are displayed in the office and other places in college and is available as required. Anyone requiring first aid should report to reception.
- Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
Rotherham Opportunities College complies with the legislative requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002.
- Contractor Management
The college will not use contractors unless they have been properly vetted (including health & safety). Contractors must sign in on their arrival and sign out on their departure. All contractors will be managed properly while on site to ensure the health & safety and safeguarding of students.
- Stress (Mental Well-being)
The college recognises the detrimental effects that stress can cause. The college is committed to protecting the health and welfare of its employees and will ensure that it complies with guidance on stress management. Any member of staff who believes that they are suffering from stress should speak to their manager. The college offers well-being support through a college counsellor who works collaboratively with the principal to actively promote, develop and maintain positive physical and mental health in the workplace. The college can also offer employees the Employee Assistance Programme.
- Manual Handling
Rotherham Opportunities College is committed to complying with the legislative requirements of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.
The college will identify all activities that involve manual handling and the staff who carry out these tasks as part of their normal working day. They must also make provisions for those staff who carry out manual handling activities on an occasional basis. The college’s first priority is to avoid the need for manual handling where reasonably practicable.
Employees who habitually carry out manual handling operations will be provided with suitable and sufficient training including staff who engage in people moving and handling as part of personal care.
- Lone Working
The college has a lone working policy. The policy is clear that staff are not permitted to work alone in any college building. All staff members must be aware there needs to be at least two staff to secure the building at the end of the day. This will ensure that any staff members subsequently entering the building are confident that they are entering a secure environment.
All lone working such as working in a 1:1 situation with students will be subject to risk assessments and the application of sensible controls to minimise the risks arising from those assessments.
The principal will ensure that the risk assessments are carried out for those persons who work alone and that the identified precautions are taken.
All staff will be reminded of the potential risks associated with lone working and are required to follow any identified procedures. Any issues experienced by lone workers are to be investigate and actioned by the principal.
- Legionella
The Approved Code of Practice for the Control of Legionella Bacteria in Systems must be followed on college sites. A robust system of risk assessment, monitoring, checks, inspections and recording will be ensured to support this compliance.
- Premises Surveys
The health and safety coordinator and principal will ensure that a half termly survey of the college premises and site is undertaken. This survey will identify any housekeeping, defects, maintenance and repair type issues requiring remedial actions. An action plan with timescales for remediation will be agreed and reviewed at the monthly premises meetings.
- Work Equipment
The business manager will ensure that Rotherham Opportunities College complies with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 and will ensure all work equipment (hired and owned) is registered and inspected in accordance with statutory requirements.
The college will comply with legislative requirements as stated with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations.120.
- Communication
Rotherham Opportunities College communicates information on health & safety to its staff using the following methods:
- As part of the induction process;
- Staff meetings;
- Email communication;
- In 1:1 situations as they arise.
- Monitoring of Health & Safety Performance
The principal will monitor and review data from provision records and report to the Board of Governors on a half termly basis, including:
- Number of accidents;
- Number of near-miss reports;
- Number of incidences of work-related ill health;
- Details of hazards reported/rectified;
- Outcomes from fire drills;
- Details of required maintenance activities and inspections completed;
- Training against needs analysis.